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Best Tools in AI Content Detection in 2024

Curious about the best AI bypass and detection tools in 2024? Andy Stapleton had a good video on this for comparisons.

Don’t want to watch the whole 10 min video? The useful details are all in this table:

AI reword4010094
Bypass AI01000
Hix Bypass0560
AI bypass and detection tool comparisons

Rows are bypass tools and columns are how detection tools did against them. Higher is better for the detection tools and lower is better for the bypass tools.

The Control row is human generated and shouldn’t create false positives, so good to see they didn’t. Next, the control was put through an LLM to reword the text and the results are noted as AI reword in the table. Each row after that shows the results from each bypass tool attempting to bypass detection. You can see the best detection being done by Originality. Also, apparently Turnitin is heavily used in academia and it’s surprising it performed poorly.

It’s worth noting that many of the bypass tools didn’t generated text with a consistent voice. So human readers will likely find the generated text awkward or out of place.

According to the results, the best AI detection tool is Originality and the best AI bypass tool is Bypass AI. If you end up requiring these tools, authors will need to stay up to date, as this will likely be a cat-and-mouse situation. We’ll continue to update the blog as the landscape changes.