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Community NFT

Our experimental community-driven NFT auction on Sepolia Testnet:


What is this?

We’ve created a community-driven NFT auction app and contract for minting art into an NFT collection based on bids from other people. Highest bid selects the next art to mint. Bid are split proportionally to: developers (us): 10%, artists: 10%, and a marketing pool: 80%. The marketing pool will be used to market the NFT collection in fun and engaging ways.

What happens to my bid?

If you win, the NFT is minted to your bidding address and your bid gets split as mentioned above. If you don’t, the bid stays until you’re outbid or the submission is cancelled. In either of those cases, your bid is returned to the address you sent it from. If you bid twice, the bid is added to your current bid.

Can I submit art?

Yes, you can. If you’d like to submit some art, go here. You will need an account from us though. We’re working on how we can support this better.

When is art minted?

Art is supposed to be minted daily but that may take some time while we’re testing and building interest. It can’t be minted sooner than daily however. The minting function will continuously mint the next highest bidder, so if your pick is next in line, you will win the bid.

What will be done with the marketing pool?

We’re still working this out. If you’d like to contribute ideas, feel free to contact us.

Where are the contracts?

Both NFT and auction contracts are on Etherum Sepolia testnet.

  • The NFT contract is here: https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/0x915870e7517402baF6bde4b8Ac996BD233656bE9
  • The auction contract is here: https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/0xF079bbDFe0792eb182D467CF024159540f28F17e